Sonntag, 23. September 2018

Thailand Stamps 2016:Chinese New Year (Golden Dragon)

A Century of Faith

The tradition of dragon dance in widely performed during Chinese Festival because the dragon is believed to represent great power, majesty, abundance, wisdom, and auspiciousness, which would bring luck to human. Chinese New Year issue the year highlights on one of the most famous Chinese New Year festival in Thailand-Pak Nam Pho God and Goddess Procession Festival. The story of Faith has begun for a hundred years: there was an outbreak of a cholera epidemic in Pak Nam Pho. Some people went to the God (Chao Pho Thepharak) and goddess (Chao Mae Taptim) shrines and burnt the tailisman papers (Yantra) and drank the ashes. They believed that is could prevent and cure them from getting cholera. The Golden Dragon Dance of Pak Nam Pho Chinese New Year Festival in Nakhon Sawan Province is flamboyantly held every year and it is very impressed across Asia for elegant dancing posture to worship Pak Nam Pho God and Goddess. The 50-meter-long golden dancing dragon uses abot 180 performers and electrifies all attending audiences along the streets.

Date of Issue: 4 February 2016 
Denonmination: 5,00 Baht
Quantity: 700,000 pieces
Size: 26 x 62 mm (Vertical)   
Printer: Thai British Security Printing Public Company Limited, Thailand
Printing Process: Lithography
Colour: Multi-colour
Sheet Composition: 10 stamps per sheet
First Day Cover: 14,00 Baht
Designer: Mr. Udorn Niyomthum (Thailand Post Company Limited)

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