Dienstag, 7. Mai 2019


The news of the last days show the situation in Thailand. Foreigners want to reside in Thailand, but do not observe the laws and regulations governing a stay in the country.
Only in the last days (May 2019) nearly 500 foreigner were arrested in 20 Northeast provinces in Thailand. Various offenses exist, among them working without permission, over stay and falsified visa stamps.
The stay in Thailand is clearly regulated. However, there have been changes or adaptations in the last few years that make your stay a bit more difficult. Many of the foreigners "Farangs" are hardly informed about the current situation. Therefore here is an overview of the possibilities to get a visa for a longer stay than a normal tourist.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Status is May 2019. Changes are possible at any time. This site does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of the data!

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