Freitag, 21. September 2018

Thailand Stamps 2016: Thai Queen's Royal Clothing

It has been well-known for years that Her Majesty Queen Sirikit has truly appreciated Thai Clothes for their unique exquisiteness that is worth conserving. Besides, Her Majesty realizes that her subjects should have occupation that provides them proper income in their own locality so that they do not need to travel to work in the main city. Therefore, many royal initiated projects has been established to carry out Thai clothes conserving mission, especially the Foundation for the Promotion of Supplementary Occupations and Related Techniques of her Majesty Queen Sirikit or the SUPPORT Foundation. Her Majesty herself became a Thai clothes fashion ideal by always wearing attires tailored from Thai clothes to visit every place around the world. The 2016 Thai Heritage Conservation Day Commemorative Stamps are issued to glorify Her Majesty on the auspicious occasion of her 84th Birthday Anniversary as well as to continue Thai heritage conservation. They depict 4 queen's gorgeous dresses tailored from Thai clothes displayed in Queen Sirkit Museum of Textiles.
Date of Issue: 2 April 2016
Denonmination: 3,00 Baht (4 designs)
Quantity: 500,000 pieces per design
Size: 30 x 48 mm (Vertical) 
Printer: Thai British Security Printing Public Company Limited, Thailand
Printing Process: Lithography
Colour: Multi-colour
Sheet Composition: 10 stamps per sheet
Souvenir Cheet: 25,00 Baht
First Day Cover: 23,00 Baht
Designer: Mr. Udorn Niyomthum (Thailand Post Company Limited)

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