Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2018

Khao Hin Son Royal Development Study Center in Phanom Sarakham

Khao Hin Son Royal Development Study Center is the education center for new agricultural development, focuses on novel agricultural developments facilitated by the cooperation of public and private sectors. Established with the Royal Initiatives of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Khao Hin Sorn Royal Development Study Center serves as the centre of learning, testing, researching and improving cultivated land. The centre was a success as it has revived the environmental condition of Khao Hin Sorn with natural approach. The large plot of land was once barren, but with the development of water sources, forest conditions, land and animal husbandry, the area has been completely transformed. Now the area serves as a model and an example for development for other areas. For example, green manure, compost, manure, etc. Further, thatch has been grown to prevent soil erosion. Reservoir was built to support agricultural activities. There are also orchid and aromatic plant farming, alongside the ‘New Theory of Agriculture’ dem as well as breeding stations for fishes and frogs. onstration plots, and agricultural livestock, as well as breeding stations for fishes and frogs.
Nowadays, experiments in agriculture as well as demonstration plots are available to visitors and farmers looking to learn other projects cover the complete fields of land development, livestock, fishery and herbs. A botanical garden, the “Eastern Botanical Garden”, is an interesting location for the study and research of beneficial plants and herbs. Inside the main building, there is an exhibit and a demonstration plot on how to cultivate herbs.In addition it is found a rice-mill by The King's initiative, a round-trip tram transport, a seminar hall a food center and a rest area.

Chachoengsao-Kabin Buri Road, Tambon Khao Hin Son, Phanom Sarakham, Chachoengsao Province
Phone: 280-6198 – 200 or (038) 59-9105-6.

Operating day: Saturday – Sunday from 8.00 – 16.00

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